Experienced Designer Finds Security with NUMI

Hannah Pobar

Experienced Designer Finds Security with NUMI

Hannah Pobar is an experienced freelancer with a broad portfolio. She started off in data analytics but fell in love with UI/UX design, honing her skills at a number of startups before striking out on her own as a freelancer. Hannah was passionate about her work, but the frustrations of life as a freelancer started to weigh her down. 

Quick Placement with Great Clients

After an initial call with Harrison, Hannah found herself with a number of placements after only two weeks. As a freelancer the need for financial security pushed Hannah to overcommit to make sure she always had enough work. At NUMI, Hannah had enough clients, with a reliable pipeline of future clients. Rather than being forced to overcommit she had the luxury of picking the projects she wanted to work on. 

Flexibility and Freedom

Thanks to NUMI, Hannah has the flexibility to take on projects at her own pace, with the clients that she chooses to work with. Harrison vets clients based on her criterion, and in their 1:1s they discuss how each project is going. Thanks to NUMIs community of Pros and companies Hannah knows she can find the mentorship and clientele she needs to grow her career. 

Hannah Pobar

“I love the flexibility NUMI brings to my career!”

Hannah Pobar

Hannah Pobar

Tap into the most driven engineers and designers on the planet