Talented Designer Uses NUMI to Deepen Her Skills and Reach New Clients

Gökçe Durusoy

Talented Designer Uses NUMI to Deepen Her Skills and Reach New Clients 

Gökçe Durusoy is a talented designer with a stunning portfolio. Throughout her dynamic career as a freelancer she designed everything from user experiences and brand systems, to websites and watercolors.

Gökçe wanted to continue to build her career but found herself bogged down by the logistical challenges of freelancing. She wanted to work with a broader clientele, but the weeks of negotiating and interviews associated with each potential new client discouraged her. 

Finding Pre-Vetted Clients Fast

Once Harrison from NUMI reached out to Gökçe and invited her to join the NUMI network, they were off to the races. Gökçe was introduced to a client within days of her first conversation with Harrison. “Everything was so fast. After a few days I was already meeting with the client.”

Bypassing Logistical Hurdles

The pleasant surprises didn’t stop there. Unlike other companies, or work alone as a freelancer, Gökçe had the benefit of ongoing mentorship and support from NUMI. “NUMI is the first time in my free lancing career that I don’t feel alone. NUMI takes care of all the parts that aren’t related to design: finding the client, all the financial particulars, and negotiating. If I had a problem with a client, I know I can call Harrison. NUMI is a team.”

Finding Success and Satisfaction with NUMI

With NUMI, Gökçe was able to focus on creating elegant design solutions for engaged and supportive clients, without having to spend weeks on research, interviews and negotiations. “From the first email I got from Harrison, I was happy.”

Gökçe Durusoy

“From the first email I got from Harrison, I was happy.”

Gökçe Durusoy

Gökçe Durusoy

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